Game Overview
Tower of Fantasy Overview
3D open-world RPG with action combat
Multiplayer shared world
Exploration with a wide variety of world traversal mechanics:
Surface: Walk, run, swim, climb, double-jump, dodge, jetpack, grapple, mounts, wall running
Aerial: double-jump, dodge, grapple, glide
Underwater: swim, fast swim, dodge, pelican relic, mounts
Multiplayer combat content:
Open world: mobs, minibosses, world bosses, optional PvP
Instanced: Arenas and dungeons (Solo, 4-player), raids (8-player), PvP (1v1, 8v8)
Nightclub with dance floor and customizable dance choreography
Beast capture, training, and battle arena
Tower of Fantasy is an MMORPG with vertical progression. Like other MMORPGs with vertical progression, part of the gameplay involves chasing the newest shiny gear for continual improvement. Don't get attached to your gear because it will be replaced over time. Don't hyper invest your resources early, plan ahead and pace yourself over time.
You have one character, your character, who's appearance you can customize or optionally use any one of the banner character skins.
You equip your character with 3 weapons. The weapons are the gacha units instead of characters. Each gacha weapon comes with an associated character skin (cosmetic) and trait. You can only use one trait at a time.
You also equip your character with 12 gear pieces (helmet, armor, gloves, etc.). Collecting and upgrading gear is part of the gameplay loop.
Each weapon can be equipped with 4 matrices that boost your character stats and provide set bonus effects.
The choice of weapons determines your character role: dps, healer, tank.
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