Lore Overview
Hundreds of years ago in a Solar System far away, the humans of Earth sent a large colony ship to planet Aida. The journey was over two hundred years long with the colonists asleep and the ship run by powerful AIs. But they didn't make it there intact. The ship was attacked by unknown forces and suffered other misfortunes. The ship separated into several pods, each run by a separate AI. Some pods were lost, one ended up on planet Aida, and another in Domain 9.
The colony on Aida thrived. They discovered omnium as a miraculous energy source that accelerated their technology until it's misuse lead to a cataclysm that destroyed the planet.
There are multiple factions in the game vying for power and people trying to survive after the cataclysm.
Hykros: The intelligencia running planet Aida. Your character is a highly skilled mercenary working for Hykros.
Heirs of Aida: Cult group in opposition to Hykros.
Human settlements on Aida: Asperia, Vera, Innars
Human settlements in Domain 9: Ignisville, Joltville, Marshville, Aquaville
AI supercomputers from the pods: Gesthos (Hykros), Tempos (Domain 9)
Hyenas/Ravagers: Bandit groups around Asperia.
Grayspace/Darkness entities: beings from some other dimension (?) controlled by the Hive Mother waging war against humans in Vera and Domain 9.
Ancient alien race that attempted to gain control over the Darkness/Hive Mother. They seem to have disappeared long ago but remnants of their technology are still around and have subverted humans to fight for their cause over the Darkness.
Your character starts in this post-apocalyptic world in Astra Shelter in Asperia. You have amnesia of your past and are looking for answers while helping your new found friends and performing your duties as an executor for Hykros.
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